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Take Aways

Read the consensus notes from workshops held with Preston's creative community.

Consensus Workshop - #1 Notes

What do we want Preston's Creative and Cultural Life to be like in 2032? On 23 September 2019, a consensus workshop was held with Preston's creative community.

Consensus Workshop - #2 Notes

What's stopping us from moving towards our vision? In November 2019, a second consensus workshop was held to consider Blocks and Barriers to that vision.

Consensus Workshop - #3 Notes

Identifying our strategic direction. We met again in January to consider what innovative, substantial actions would deal with our Blocks and Barriers and move us towards our vision.

Cultural Framework Board meeting

To oversee and support the delivery of the Cultural Framework a board has been developed bringing together strategic cultural partners from across the city. The board meets on a monthly basis and minutes of these meetings can be found on this page.

Towns Fund

The Cultural Framework Board is working on a number of new initiatives for Preston as part of the Towns Fund, which is a £3.6 billion fund established by the government to level up towns and cities around the country.

Preston Cultural Networks Investigation

The Preston Cultural Networks Investigation report aims to inform future Brewtime projects and to support future funding bids.

Blaze Arts

This report is a reflection of conversations with young people aged 12-24 about Preston's Ten-Year Cultural Strategy.