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A strong framework should support and contribute to improving the health and wellbeing of Preston's residents as, demographically, some of England's most deprived communities, including the artists and creatives who are the working hands of this cultural scene.

This priority will grow partnerships and develop work with local communities in the everyday, not only in one-off annual events, intersecting alongside health partners, the voluntary sector, businesses, education and other sectors.

A Sector Which Prioritises Wellbeing Will...

  1. Acknowledge and address the prevalence of mental health issues amongst our populous, but particularly amongst young people.
  2. Seek out a range of diverse role models that fit Preston in the 21st Century and resonate across all communities.
  3. Show genuine care for artists by ensuring work is properly resourced in terms of time and finance.
  4. Acknowledge and celebrate the green spaces accessible from Preston's city centre and use these as cultural venues.
  5. Ensure that the contribution of voluntary groups and individuals to the fabric of Preston's arts and cultural life is recognised and respected when celebrating the arts sector.
  6. Use the cultural scene to bring together socio-economic groups, ages, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientation and deaf and disabled people, ensuring a shared narrative and authentic access to the arts sector.
  7. Seek funding and partnerships that build on and bolster Preston's expertise in socially engaged practice, social prescribing and community arts.